Tan H.
2 min readJul 18, 2019

Years ago, I always assumed that when I achieved all my dreams then I would be happy. However, when I achieved my first goal, my happiness lasted for 2 days. Yes, that’s it — only 2 days before setting up a new goal for myself. When I achieved my second one, my happiness lasted for 1 day before I had the next one. I felt like my whole life was about constantly chasing goals after goals. And then I realized that not everyone who achieves his or her dreams is happy.

Be there for yourself — acknowledge moments that you are by yourself.


Because I have been chasing other people dreams not my own dreams.

We are living in a production line which has three main components -school -work -family. Doesn’t matter where we are, who our parents are, we are expected to follow the same formula. Going to schools, getting a job, having a family and continuing the process. We are too busy following the template, therefore, we do not have time to ask ourselves a very simple question — Who am I? We don’t know ourselves, we just follow. Because our grandparents did that, our parents did that, our siblings did that, that is why we are doing the same thing.

That’s the main reason why we are not happy even though we already have all the things we wanted in life.

Because we don’t know ourselves, we don’t know our dreams and for such a long time, we have been chasing someone else’s dreams — not our dreams.


You can’t find happiness until you find yourself. Happiness comes from within. Knowing yourself is fundamental to be happy.


Because you can’t depend on external factors to stay happy. Good foods make you happy, what if there are no good foods. Great movies make you happy, what if there are no more good movies. Amazing relationships make you happy, what if there are fights in your relationships.

Because you are responsible for your happiness. No one knows yourself better than yourself. If you know yourself, you will be able to find out values that make you happy.

Because internal factors last longer. When you realize that happiness comes from within. Your happiness will last longer. Even when you are not happy, you will know how to cheer yourself up.


Listen to yourself — mentally and physically.

Pay attention to yourself — mentally and physically.

Love yourself — mentally and physically.

Be there for yourself — acknowledge moments that you are by yourself.


Having lunch/ dinner by yourself without touching your phone or watching TV. Focusing on eating, enjoying the food.

Taking a walk by yourself without listening to music. Pay attention to every single step.

You will find yourself by doing simple things for yourself.

